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Showing posts from October, 2024

Choosing the Right OpenShift Service: Service Mesh, Submariner, or Service Interconnect?

In today’s digital world, businesses rely more and more on interconnected applications and services to operate effectively. This means integrating software and data across different environments is essential. However, achieving smooth connectivity can be tough because different application designs and the mix of on-premises and cloud systems often lead to inconsistencies. These issues require careful management to ensure everything runs well, risks are managed effectively, teams have the right skills, and security measures are strong. This article looks at three Red Hat technologies—Red Hat OpenShift Service Mesh and Red Hat Service Interconnect, as well as Submariner—in simple terms. It aims to help you decide which solution is best for your needs. OPENSHIFT Feature Service Mesh (Istio) Service Interconnect Submariner Purpose Manages service-to-service communication within a single cluster. Enables ...

What's New in Red Hat OpenShift 4.17

What's New in Red Hat OpenShift 4.17 Release Overview: · Kubernetes Version:  OpenShift 4.17 is based on Kubernetes 1.30, bringing enhancements and new capabilities. Notable Beta Features: 1.     User Namespaces in Pods:  Enhances security by allowing pods to run with distinct user IDs while mapping to different IDs on the host. 2.     Structured Authentication Configuration:  Provides a more organized approach to managing authentication settings. 3.     Node Memory Swap Support:  Introduces support for memory swapping on nodes, enhancing resource management. 4.     LoadBalancer Behavior Awareness:  Kubernetes can now better understand and manage LoadBalancer behaviors. 5.     CRD Validation Enhancements:  Improves Custom Resource Definition (CRD) validation processes. Stable Features: 1.     Pod Scheduling Readiness:  Ensures that...