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Showing posts from October, 2022

A powerful and Easy view of Kubernetes Architecture and Components

 kubernetes also known as K8s is an open-source system for automating the deployment, scaling and management of containerized applications. "Virtualization makes virtual machines, Docker makes containers, and Kubernetes makes Pods." Benefit Kubernetes Deploy applications and also react to changes. Scale it up and down based on demand. Heal up when things break down. Perform upgrades and rollbacks with zero downtime. Kubernetes Nodes: Kubernetes are made up of two types of nodes [Nodes can be virtual machine or can be a physical machine] 1 .     Worker Node 2.       Master Nodes [Can be called as Control Node/Control Plane/Supervisor Node] Inside every node: ⧪ The basic unit of Kubernetes is POD . 👀   Infromational Note: A pod is the basic execution unit of a Kubernetes application. Each module represents a portion of the workload that runs on your cluster 1. Each pod has its own IP address its an internal IP. 2. A pod can communicate to anothe...

OpenSource Devops Tool: Jenkins Deployment on Kubernetes

  Jenkins is an open source continuous integration/continuous delivery and deployment (CI/CD) automation software DevOps tool written in the Java programming language. It is used  to implement CI/CD workflows, called pipelines . Devops: DevOps is best explained as people working together to create, build and deliver secure software at the highest speed. DevOps practices enable software developers (devs) and operations (ops) teams to accelerate delivery through automation, collaboration, rapid feedback, and iterative improvement. DevOps represents a change in mindset for IT culture. Based on agile, lean practices and systems theory, DevOps focuses on incremental development and rapid software delivery. Success depends on the ability to create a culture of accountability, better collaboration, empathy and shared responsibility for business results. Process flow: A developer develops an application The developer submits the code to GitLab A reviewer reviews the code and commits ...

GIT Installation on Windows | GitHUB Vs GitLAB | How to clone and push Local repo to Public repo | Useful GIT Commands

  Git is a version control system that lets you manage and keep track of your source code history.   GitHub is a cloud-based hosting service that lets you manage Git repositories GitLab is  an open source code repository and collaborative software development platform for large DevOps and DevSecOps projects Note:  Since both GitHub and GitLab are version control systems (VCS), it can be difficult to choose one of the two. The most significant difference between the two is that while  GitHub is a collaboration platform that helps review and manage codes remotely, GitLab is majorly focused on DevOps and CI/CD . How to download GIT client on windows and configure it For Download Use below link : Once downloaded, follow the the setup wizard for installation Once Installation is done, Open the GIT as below: Initial thing to do before use: Configuation Write the following command to aware the GIT who you are: Your Name and Email as b...

Install Kubernetes Metric Server / kubectl top will work 100% for CPU and Memory metric collection

H ow to install metric server in kubernetes for the collection of CPU and Memory Metrics    Kubectl top is not working for pods and nodes: Work Around Please use the following link for metric server installation: Apply the following commands: kubectl apply -f it will install the metric server into your kube-system namespace as below: Once the metric server pod is up and running. You can start using kubectl top commands  Sharing Sample Results :

Kubernetes/containerization Network troubleshooting tools package into Single Container

 Many a time we run containers in kubernetes in controlled environment and many IP's are restricted and internet is not allowed specially in private environment case. And we do not have enough utilities within that environmet to download any package for troubleshooting purpose. Work Around Use the following git repo that is having a special container packaged with below enlisted tool for troubleshooting purpose within kubernetes environment. Git Repo   : Tools included within container: apache2-utils bash bind-tools bird bridge-utils busybox-extras calicoctl conntrack-tools ctop curl dhcping drill ethtool file fping httpie iftop iperf iproute2 ipset iptables iptraf-ng iputils ipvsadm jq libc6-compat liboping mtr net-snmp-tools netcat-openbsd netgen nftables ngrep nmap nmap-nping openssl py-crypto py2-virtualenv python2 scapy socat strace swaks tcpdump tcptraceroute termshark tshark util-linux vim websocat How to use: 1.    ...